作者:建筑一分院   发布于:    文字:【】【】【


Project Introduction


      Taizhou, located in the central coastal area of Zhejiang Province, is located on the mountain and the sea, forming a pattern of "seven mountains, one water and two fields". In particular, the five sceneries of "Buddha, mountain, sea, city and cave" are the most distinctive, and they have been known as "famous mountains on the sea" since ancient times. The unique geographical environment has shaped Taizhou's unique regional culture. The core idea of this project is the regional cultural spirit extracted from the local area and the traditional Chinese medicine theory.


↓鸟瞰图,Aerial view


      The project base is located in Jiaojiang pharmaceutical capital town, Taizhou City, about 3 kilometers away from the old city of Jiaojiang. It is a 4A level scenic spot of a national characteristic town and a part of Taizhou Industrial Agglomeration Area. It undertakes the important task of image window and reshaping the environmental image of the pharmaceutical industry.

↓总平面图,Site plan


Introduction of the plan


       From the traditional Chinese medicine culture: "the unity of man and nature”And "Yin Yang five elements theory" to extract the design theme, combined with Taizhou characteristics of regional elements, to create a "natural growth of the building".

↓形体推演,Physique deduction

↓空间打造,Space creation


      The glass sharing Hall of the building encircles the center -- the herbal garden, whose shape is like a Ganoderma lucidum growing naturally in the stone gap.


       Various kinds of Chinese herbal medicines are planted and specimens are placed in the herbal garden, so that visitors can learn about various kinds of Chinese herbal medicines and participate in the process of planting and making Chinese herbal medicines. To further learn the scientific knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, besides the exhibition, there is also the significance of education and communication, which gives people a richer sense of experience.


       In the center of the herbal garden, a meditation space is designed, which is built into a half empty state by bricks. From big to small, it leads up to the air, forming a spiritual place. There is sunshine in the sunshine, rain in the water, so that visitors can understand the relationship between human and nature in the contrast of the internal and external scenes.


      Between the building and the herbal garden, the internal slow traffic organization creates a way of roaming in the way of ramps between exhibits and landscapes. The space emphasizes the dynamic flow and gives people a "time and space" experience.

↓博物馆入口,Museum entrance

↓东南角透视,Perspective of southeast corner

↓展厅,Exhibition hall


       In the exhibition hall, the elements in the cave of Changyu, a local scenic spot, and the relationship between the map and the bottom of the natural stones are also extracted for carving, and the stones are carved with light cracks, which respond to the regional characteristics, "although it is made by people, it is just like the heaven".

↓材质分析,Material analysis


       The building is mainly composed of dry hanging composite stone, with a small number of strip glass curtain walls, forming a natural and rich facade texture, strengthening the contrast between the real and the virtual buildings and the sense of sculpture, and using aluminum thin shell glass curtain wall system in the atrium, combining the rigid and flexible. The facade color is mainly beige, elegant and solemn.

↓绿色节能技术,Green energy saving technology








